Sunday, March 30, 2008

I don't know about you but I love citrus fragrances.
Maybe thats because I like citrus fruits,but as I
smell Pure White Linen Light Breeze by Estee Lauder,
I wonder what is it I love about citrus-infused perfumes.

Estee Lauder's Pure White Linen Light Breeze contains
notes of darjeeling tea,bergamot,white grapefruit,orange
zest and watery kumquat to give in a sexy exotic scent.
Middle notes include yellow fressia,linden flowers,osamanthus
and silken rose petals. The final ingredients are
teak wood,cedarwood and a little bit of acacia honey.
All together these notes equate a sensual purity and it
shows up in the name. This is a scent of fresh air,warm
weather and lazy beach days. Some could even say its got
a bit of innocence to it.

Now as I was writing this I did figure out what it was
that I love about citrus fragrances:they're light,feminine,
sexy. Everything a girl could want from a fragrance.

Estee Lauder

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Sarah Peel said...

I wonder how sexy it will make me,if i wore it?